“To improve food and nutrition security, and ultimately contribute to reducing the high stunting rate in Tanzania”.
SEMA in partnership with Save the Children (SC) and local government authority of Ikungi and Singida districts, implements Integrated Nutrition Education, WASH and Health for Improved Nutritional Status (BORESHA LISHE) project in two Districts of Ikungi and Singida in Singida Region.
Geographical coverage: The projects cover 32 wards (19 Ikungi district, 13 Singida district) with a total of 85 villages (43 Ikungi district & 42 Singida district).
Overall Objective: Improve food and nutrition security, and ultimately contribute to reducing the high stunting rate in Tanzania.
Specific Objective: Improve access to and the use of nutritious food by women and children through behavior change and through the diversification of food production.
Boresha lishe project is a five (5) years project from; 2017-2021.
Donors of the projects; European Union (EU) in collaboration with World Food Programme (WFP).
Pregnant and lactating women
Children under the age of 5 years with priority to children under 2 years
Others( Influential people at communities i.e. grandparents, elders, and leaders to ensure behavior change for improved nutrition practices in the broader community)
CARE GROUP MODEL is the approach used in the implementation of Boresha project at the community level. This approach engages two promoters, care group members who consist of care group volunteers and neighboring households. In each village tend to have two care groups which consist of 30 members (15 members per each group).
Specific goal: To improve access to and the use of nutritious food by women and children through behavior change and through the diversification of food production in Ikungi and Singida Rural Districts in Singida Region.
The following results, strategies, and activities at community level will contribute achieve the above outcome:
Result 1: Behaviour change towards the production of the nutritious foods and consumption of an adequate, diversified diet is promoted and increased at the community level.
Result 2: Production of nutritious crops, small-scale livestock, and access to nutritious diversified diets is enhanced.
Target Beneficiaries:
4,375 direct beneficiaries are expected to be reached out of schools and children 51,000.
Nutritional Activities carried out include Introduction meetings of the project activities at Ward level, Participate in the selection of villages and Mapping of the services providers (VICOBA, CHWs, and HFs, Extension Officers and Theatre groups). Nutritional Components of SEMA program integrates WASH Component as part of improvements of nutritional status in 85 Villages of Ikungi and